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Private & Corporate Events

“Everyone is the architect of their own happiness.”

- Joseph Pilates -

Pilates Classes

Private Pilates Event


Looking for a fun and unique event to do for a birthday, wedding party, family get together or other social occasion?  Group Pilates classes can be a great way to bond, team build and just generally have a good time while getting a really great work out at the same time.  


I can work with you on any specific details to make your class that little extra bit special :) 


Corporate Pilates


Pilates classes at the workplace are a great initiative to offer your employees and a great way to boost your teams morale and improve corporate culture. Pilates is something anybody can do, no matter what their fitness level which makes it both accessible and suitable for corporate events.  Now more than ever it is such an important time to be supporting your employees and improving the wellbeing in your place of work.  Having a workplace that supports physical wellbeing like exercise can help employees feel happier, more energized, more productive and less stressed. 


I can bring Pilates classes to your workplace for corporate wellness days, team building events, and weekly sessions.  I’ll provide the mats and equipment and you provide the people and the space! 



​Duration: 60 mins



Starting at $280 for up to 7 people. 

Each additional person will be charged $35.


Maximum of 15 per class.


* Mats and equipment will be provided

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